Thursday, June 16, 2011

El Camino de Santiago

I've recently been watching videos on a pilgrimage route in Spain. My mind just wonders at the thought of walking for a whole month. What an adventure. What an opportunity to commune with God in a special way. Just the thought of it intrigues me...What a sweet time it would be. Maybe someday...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Heart

Dear Heavenly Father,
I come before you with a sinful heart. Please cleanse me from my wicked ways. I thank you for your grace. That keeps me going day after day. Where would I be without your grace. Lord, help me to surrender every part of my life. I know in my heart and mind that there is nothing that satisfies but you alone. Help me grasp what that truly means. I find it so difficult sometimes. When I am alone. Help me to be disciplined in my spiritual walk. Lord now that facebook is out, now it seems like I am back to the TV. Help me discipline myself to read more often. Show me what to do so I follow through with this. Lord, you know my heart’s desires and my struggles. Help me Lord, to face this burden in my heart. Give me the courage to fight through these battles. Show me your ways Oh God. I long for you in all my ways. How I feel so burdened when I fall astray. Lead me O Lord. How I feel so down when I disobey. Help me to truly seek you. Give me wisdom to face such trials. Lord as I continue through this day, may you give me insight and understanding. Help me to do the things that should take first priority. May I use my time wisely knowing that days are evil and have many worries. I love you so much.
In your name I pray with sincere heart.