Thursday, December 30, 2010

And then December Came

Looking back I just can't fathom how 2010 just passed us all by so quickly. It was just exactly a year ago when i started the waiting game for this job in Korea. I still can't believe I'm actually here one year later.

I grew as a teacher and I hope to strive for better and more effective ways to teach next year. I've learned that my students are one of the best in my region. Although at times they just don't have the energy to sit still.

I'll definitely remember all the delicious food I've eaten and can't wait for the new discoveries of authentic Korean cuisine in the year to come. I hope to use more Korean words and just be more Korean in how I live my day to day.

So thankful for the church I found in the city. They have been such a great blessing to me. I've now helped out with their music ministry and even attempted to practice with the Men's Choir group at the church. I think my reading skills improved because of all the Korean songs.

Overall, I give God thanks for this wonderful opportunity to live out my life and still acknowledge HIM in everything. I think that's what makes my faith in the LORD Jesus Christ so sweet. It's because our relationship just doesn't start and end in the church pews...Our time together is just getting started...

Happy New Year to all of you.